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30000-40000元 杭州滨江区 应届毕业生 本科
英飞特电子(杭州)股份有限公司 2024-09-10 23:09:38
30000-40000元 杭州滨江区 应届毕业生 本科
英飞特电子(杭州)股份有限公司 2024-09-10 23:09:38
岗位职责 1、理解并熟悉公司业务流程,对公司内部控制完整性、合理性及其实施的有效性进行检查评估,搭建及完善内部控制体系; 2、对流程管理中存在的风险问题和降本增效机会点有理有据地及时识别,并与业务合作提出解决方案,敦促落地; 3、全面对接业务团队的制度和流程的建设和迭代,产出符合业务实际的风险管理方案; 4、对内审专项中发现的问题定期进行跟进和推动落地; 5、组织开展重要流程、制度、管理规范在业务侧的培训、宣贯; 6、根据公司战略,制定公司税务筹划方案和税务解决方案,负责公司业务交易结构的税收安排,全球TP的运行监管; 7、健全税务管理体系、流程制度、税务信息化等,组织与实施税务活动,加强与海外财务团队沟通,统筹管理集团及全球子公司税务事项; 8、税务风险识别和预估税务风险,排查与规避企业涉税风险; 9、对日常经营管理中的重要合同及重大经济业务发表税务意见,评估税收风险; 10、完成上级交办的其他工作。 Job responsibilities: 1. Understand and be familiar with the company's business process, check and evaluate the integrity, rationality and effectiveness of the company's internal control, build and improve the internal control system; 2. Timely identify the risk problems and opportunities for cost reduction and efficiency improvement in process management with reasonable evidence, and cooperate with the business to propose solutions and urge implementation; 3. Comprehensively connected with the construction and iteration of the system and process of the business team, and produced risk management plans in line with the actual business; 4. Regularly follow up and promote the implementation of the problems found in the internal audit; 5. Organize and carry out training and promotion of important processes, systems and management norms on the business side; 6. Formulated corporate tax planning plans and tax solutions according to corporate strategy, responsible for the tax arrangement of the company's business transaction structure, and the operation supervision of global TP; 7. Improve the tax management system, process system, tax informatization, etc., organize and implement tax activities, strengthen communication with overseas financial teams, coordinate and manage the tax affairs of the Group and its global subsidiaries; 8. Identify and estimate tax risks, investigate and avoid enterprise tax-related risks; 9. Express tax opinions on important contracts and major economic businesses in daily operation and management, and assess tax risks; 10. Complete other work assigned by superiors. 岗位必备的核心技能和能力 任职要求: 1、税务、会计、审计等相关专业,有CPA、CTA、律师执业资格等职称优先; 2、具有十年或以上内控、税务工作经验,有制造行业背景或者项目经验优先考虑; 3、熟悉财务、税务、审计专业知识及规范化操作要求,具备良好的税务管理、财务分析、风险规避与整体统筹能力; 4、能够提供专业方面的帮助赋能团队成员进步,有从0-1搭建良性发展的内控税务梯队经验者优先。 5、有四大或国内八大会计师事务所税务、内控咨询经验者优先,熟悉国际税法者优先; 6、具备良好的沟通能力,较强的数理能力及书面写作能力,抗压性和适应性强; 7、英语可作为工作语言,适应全英文工作环境。 Job Requirements: 1, tax, accounting, auditing and other related majors, CPA, CTA, lawyer qualification and other titles are preferred; 2, with 10 years or more of internal control, tax work experience, manufacturing industry background or project experience is preferred; 3, familiar with financial, tax, audit expertise and standardized operation requirements, with good tax management, financial analysis, risk avoidance and overall planning capabilities; 4, can provide professional help to enable team members to progress, with 0-1 to build a sound development of internal control tax echelon experience is preferred. 5. Experience in tax and internal control consulting with Big Four or eight domestic accounting firms is preferred, familiar with international tax law is preferred; 6, have good communication skills, strong mathematical ability and writing ability, pressure resistance and adaptability; 7, English can be used as the working language, adapt to the English working environment.
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